Look through the internet and what do you think is the resource which drives it? It undoubtedly is content and this is the reason why some of the highest grossing businesses over the internet are content driven ones, be it simple news and advertising avenues or full blown search engines. When you are looking to drive such a content centered business, you cannot just afford to be reckless about managing content over it, as this is soon going to overwhelm you. This is where a lot of content management systems like Joomla, Drupal and others have found use.

Below are a Few Major traits of Joomla which make it apt as a CMS for Web Avenues:
1. A Quick Starting Application
A uniform web editor and administrative console which is the backbone of Joomla CMS make it have a simple and gradient-less learning curve. What this means to you is that you no longer need to spend hours and hours figuring out how to build a content page or try and explain this to other parties involved in the process.
2. A Free Platform
The advantage of exploring Joomla web development is that you would not need to dish out any money in license fees. Being an open source platform, anyone be it an individual or a company can choose to start building content driven websites using Joomla and this is truly a no-cost solution to a humongous content management problem.
3. No Programming Background Required
This is one of the major reasons why Joomla has been able to penetrate so much as a content management platform. The platform requires minimal knowledge of any programming constructs and just about every administrative activity can be handled through a functionality rich-console.
4. Great Menu Creation Features
If you have a business website you would undoubtedly want to categorize your product or service offerings into menus, and this is something which will be extremely easy to do with Joomla.
Have all these benefits got you excited about the prospects of implementing Joomla as the framework to manage content for your web avenue? Then Openwave's renowned and well established expertise in Joomla CMS can serve you well! Hire developers in New York from us!
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