Have you ever visited a website and been greeted by a very welcoming chat pop-up from the admin? Then you’re already familiar with the concept of live chats. On observing closely, you’ll find that tonnes of websites are testing the waters for live chats and it seems that most of their customers are loving it!
But, will live chats increase conversions in all cases?
Well, the short answer is ‘No’. There are certain tips and tricks to this. Not only that, while incorporating a live-chat into the website, some things need to be taken care of which, if done in the right manner, will help you rake in more money and increase conversions. There are at times, the conversions decrease instead of giving the desired results, so it is important to have the right technology and approach. Although live chats have been known to work for all sites, the implementation process behind each one may differ.
So, how does it optimize conversions, really?
Live chat has only been hitting the shelves for a short time. For consumers, it means no waiting in long calls, no eagerly-waiting for a reply or mail; just chat with a real person (added advantage over chat-bots) to get real-time information on the product they’re interested in. This ensures that they make purchases before they lose interest in the product and more inquiries turn into sales!
What should I keep in mind before earmarking live-chat for my website?
The customer is the king! You must delve in to study more about them, their countries of residence, if they’re genuine or time-wasters, providing ample and timely customer support, etc. When it comes to the technical side, you must know how to pick the right software for your setup. Get these right and you’re sure to increase conversions.
Some tricks of the trade!
1. When you offer ‘Live-chat’, it should, in essence, be live. Offline messaging can test your user’s patience.
2. The chat facility should be round-the-clock.
3. Ensure quick responses, if possible, under 15 seconds.
How do I set it up on my website?